Friday, November 14, 2014

L&H Reviews: Slipping Wives

 Today, I'll be reviewing the second Laurel and Hardy film, Slipping Wives. I've heard that Laurel and Hardy aren't really a pair in some of the early silent shorts, and this one no exception. Well, I guess I'll have to see. Here's a video of it:
 Slipping Wives is...... uh.... well.... something..
 The plot of this is that a man is married to a girl, except the man forgets the girl's birthday... The girl decides it's about time to make him jealous with another man so that the man will appreciate her even more. So, she picks a paint seller ( Stan Laurel.) Of course, when they try to make the girl's husband jealous, it of course doesn't work.
 The plot is definitely too complicated at some times, and doesn't work at some times. I noticed some really funny gags, though.
 In this film, Oliver Hardy plays a butler. When Stan knocks on the door trying to sell paint, Oliver notices it. He says, " Hello!" and they get into a little fight. Stan drops some paint, notices it, escapes from it, except Oliver doesn't. He ends up getting a face full of paint.
 There's also another funny gag where Laurel is supposed to take a bath, by Hardy's request, and Laurel doesn't want to do it, so they get into a fight, where Oliver falls into the tub and gets a face full of water.
 And, that's about it for the hints of actual Laurel and Hardy comedy we see in this film.
 The supporting cast is pretty decent, but they could've chose better ones. There's one person in this film that looks kind of like Stan Laurel from an angle, and does many of his characteristics, which does not help.
 I'm probably being a little bit too nit-picky, but there are a whole lot of nits to pick about this movie. For one, how does Hardy get a black eye by the end of the movie?
 Man, this plot was a bit confusing for me! In some spots in this film, my mind rushed off to other places, so maybe that's why I don't get this film.
 Just saying, they could've easily replaced James Finalyson with one of the guys that's in the film. Hopefully, there's a better movie to come tomorrow. I rate this movie a 8.5 out of 10. That's only because I like the scenes I mentioned above. Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow!

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